What can cause frozen shoulder?
Frozen shoulder is a disorder that starts with connective tissue around the shoulder joint start to harden. This typically occurs naturally.
What are common signs?
- Movement of shoulder are painful
- Shoulder irritated
- Range of motion decrease
What type of exercise can help frozen shoulder pain?
Lying down flexion:
- Lay flat on back, legs are straight so body forms a line
- Relax arms at side of body
- Lift injured arm vertically in air and backward to the floor with help of healthy arm
- Reach until stretch is felt
- Repeats 5-10 times
Standing extension: (need a light bar or cane object)
- Stand and hold a bar horizontally behind body
- Arms about shoulder width apart while knuckles face towards the ground
- Lift the arm in upward movement until stretch is felt
Cross body stretch:
- Sit or stand
- Both arms are relaxed at sides of body
- Bring affected arm across chest while healthy arm holds it across chest
- Hold for 15-30 seconds